It is the core of Galen Office since it facilitates the flow of information from one subsystem to another. By seamlessly interfacing all available tools, it boosts clinical and administrative efficiency.
Practice management simplifies patient engagement, practice operations, and scheduling. It helps front office personnel handle skipped appointments, last-minute reschedules, and walk-ins. Through custom notifications and reporting, it streamlines workflow.
Patient Registry
All patient details are centrally stored from the first encounter and can be updated in real-time. Patient registry allows to capture patient demographics, contact, insurance and employment information. Those data is utilised by all Galen Office subsystems.
Diary Scheduler
At the heart of a smoothly running practice, the multi-view calendar and scheduler performs a range of crucial functions. It allows easy booking, editing, viewing and canceling of appointments. By taking into account holidays, staff and facilities availability, it helps the user swiftly identify available appointment slots.
File Manager
All users, including front office personnel, physicians and nurses, can upload documents and attach them to a patient’s file. One can also upload generic documents, such as admission forms, patient history questionnaire, etc, and make them available to all users. The search capability makes information retrieval very easy, while eliminating the need to rummage through paper files.